
Less is more.
  • A mixed flock of Painted Storks, Egrets and Ibises
  • Egyptian Nightjar at dawn
  • A group of Indian Spot-billed Ducks in dense fog
  • Common Kingfisher
  • Green-winged Teals on a foggy morning
  • High-key Black-winged Kite
  • White-cheeked Tern
  • Silhouette of a Greater Spotted Eagle
  • Little Grebe
  • A pair of Sarus Cranes
  • Indian Cormorants
  • Common Kestrel
  • Greater Flamingos
  • Crested Serpent Eagle
  • Egyptian Nightjar at dusk
  • Black-winged Kite
  • Pied Bushchat
  • Striated Heron
  • A lone Kentish Plover chick
  • Pied Myna